- What's one thing you're really good at?

20 answers
  • Being true to myself
    1 month
  • Painting
    1 month
  • Sketching
    1 month
  • Music, I am a musician and I can produce music! :)
    1 month
  • To do all house works hahaha
    1 month
  • Digital drawing
    1 month
  • I guess writing poetries
    1 month
  • I'm the best at putting things off
    1 month
  • I'm really good at being alone
    1 month
  • Im p star you know
    1 month
  • Baseball and basketball
    1 month
  • I'm not best at anything. Just okay.
    1 month
  • Licking ur pussy
    1 month
  • I'm good for doing nothing 😜
    1 month
  • Sleeping
    1 month
  • breaking men's heart.
    1 month
  • I play piano, drums, sing, and produce beats, write my own lyrics. Hate coming ok this site I only come here because it's lonely when you are "gifted"
    1 month
  • Also saw the other person saying they make beats. Don't give up.
    1 month
  • Cooking
    1 month
  • Dancing And singing 😂
    1 month

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