Ask Questions, Page 11
What's your favourite hobby and why?
Axin wangsu ago, 17 answers -
What is your opinion on the girl/woman making the first move?
Anna1992 ago, 20 answers -
What are so good stress relief activities?
Amelia ago, 15 answers -
How do we delete our profile or account from this site ? ?
What to do if u have zero energy even in vacations
Radwa ago, 13 answers -
If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and why?
Kira ago, 11 answers -
What do u do when u have no energy to do smth especially even in vacations
What's your favourite childhood memory?🤔
Axin wangsu ago, 5 answers -
What's your latest guilty pleasure?
Walingwaling ago, 4 answers -
What makes a man more attractive?
JuanRC ago, 22 answers -
What's the best surprise you've ever received?🤔
Axin wangsu ago, 9 answers -
How to deal with a girl that loves you but you don't feel same towards her
Ahmed adham ago, 8 answers -
Why are you the way that you are?
Kat ago, 17 answers -
Are you watching Olympic Games? And if you do, which category you like more?
In which country do u want to go for holiday?
Farhana ago, 23 answers -
What is a perfect weekend for you?
Lynn S ago, 13 answers -
Most embarrassing moment? And did u turn it to funny moment or couldn't??
One piece, Bleach or Naruto who is best
Vaishali ago, 41 answers -
Horror Movie Recommendations
ago, 14 answers -
How do you define success in life?
Yekiera ago, 17 answers -
What is the thing you want to happen in ur life but you sure it's impossible to happen?
Ahmed adham ago, 7 answers -
do you think some people never find love
roa ago, 19 answers -
If you were the last person on earth, what are you doing first?
Water ago, 17 answers -
If there is one song that you would dedicated or compared to yourself, what would it be and why?
Anna1992 ago, 15 answers