Ask Questions, Page 38
Would you prefer a modern or traditional girls?
Yashu ago, 12 answers -
Would you like your coffee hot or cold?
PAO ago, 15 answers -
What's your mind?
Any allergies you got?
PAO ago, 15 answers -
Why am i a human? i wonder sometimes lol!...
Cute boba ago, 12 answers -
What's the biggest lie you've ever been told
Isabella ago, 12 answers -
What's the cringest thing you ever put up on social media?
Whats your Top-3 Thriller/horror/Mystery movies?
Intellectchat ago, 12 answers -
why your ex was break up with you
HIRU ago, 11 answers -
what is ur favorite food and why do u like it so much?
Sue ago, 19 answers -
money or love.?
Mohamed Saaka ago, 7 answers -
is cheating on someone who cheated on you bad?
Oh what can i do when im bored cuz im bored rn give me some answers?!
Cute boba ago, 11 answers -
Divorcing to marry another person is considered as cheating?
Intellectchat ago, 16 answers -
What is your dream romantic vacation?
Atul ago, 11 answers -
What do you like to do when u are free?
Love me ago, 29 answers -
What was the most toughest time in your life so far??
Nonsense ago, 20 answers -
What clothes do u feel the most comfortable wearing?
Sue ago, 18 answers -
what would you do if your really upset and sad
Isaac ago, 14 answers -
Why is the man who invests your money called a broker?
if u could spend ur whole life at one age, what would it be?
Sue ago, 17 answers -
Donating money does less than donating time-agree or disagree?
Milana ago, 19 answers -
Is love really that important?
Abhinav ago, 22 answers -
What's the best and worst openings lines have you heard here ladies?
Daydreamer ago, 12 answers