Ask Questions, Page 39
if u could spend ur whole life at one age, what would it be?
Sue ago, 17 answers -
Donating money does less than donating time-agree or disagree?
Milana ago, 19 answers -
Is love really that important?
Abhinav ago, 22 answers -
What's the best and worst openings lines have you heard here ladies?
Daydreamer ago, 12 answers -
Are you emotinal?
Nonsense ago, 24 answers -
How do you know when you can trust someone?
Livy-Lamb ago, 17 answers -
Batman or Superman,who will you choose
Whats your favourite Disney character? (dw im not gonna judge you)
Drop the most hurtful thing someone said to you
Adreanna ago, 24 answers -
how could u make a move to tell someone how u really feel?
What's the standards of a 'Handsome Man'?
Intellectchat ago, 7 answers -
For your character choose (Body, money , knowledge) and why
Who would win the upcoming fight: Zuckerberg or Musk
Do u guys think age matters??
Aryannnn ago, 16 answers -
How to make a girl fall in love with you?
Intellectchat ago, 10 answers -
How many times can you forgive someone till you've had enough
Kek ago, 13 answers -
What is that single thing that reminds you of your childhood?
Assteroid ago, 19 answers -
What to do after an argument with your partners?
Nonsense ago, 26 answers -
What's the best thing about being single?
Milana ago, 21 answers -
Do you think we could fall in love with different people?
The world is ending , you can do anything , what do you do??
Kek ago, 14 answers -
Are looks more important than intelligence to be w someone?
Nonsense ago, 11 answers -
Have you made any real friends though the internet
Kek ago, 13 answers -
How can you impress someone on Internet?
Nonsense ago, 11 answers