Ask Questions, Page 40
What is more important in conversation?
Biggest red flag?
Kourt xo ago, 14 answers -
How can I build a bridge of hope over a sea of despair?
Imed-La ago, 10 answers -
Is self growth more important than the growth of your relationship?
What your favorite color??
Xeu zeu ago, 32 answers -
Do you still believe in one another?
Aysha Ahmed ago, 5 answers -
What's one thing that makes you smile at first sight?
Have you ever feel peace about yourself?
Longstory short ago, 3 answers -
What's the most recent "aha moment" you got?
ago, 2 answers -
What is the smartest way to get to know each other within a short duration of time?
Aysha Ahmed ago, 10 answers -
What makes you confident
Does Society standards bothers you too?
Whose the lucky person here that she/he find the real love in this site
what is the best way to make friends
What is the worst thing that happened to your life?
Achyheart ago, 14 answers -
With whom do you feel most secure and happy?
I want to practice English with native speaker.. I am looking for a girl to do that
What is the perfect age for leaving the nest if yall know what that means
Beauty queen ago, 10 answers -
What weird food combinations do you enjoy?
Have you ever inveigled someone into doing the chores all day?
Aysha Ahmed ago, 3 answers -
How do I get rid of traumatic past?
Volkova Ana ago, 22 answers -
What if that person doesn't love u but you love that person
What's the most embarrassing thing you have ever done in your life?
Not allowed ago, 7 answers -
Have you watched Wizards of Waverly Place??