Ask Questions, Page 41
Anyone learning a new language?
s ago, 21 answers -
Whats your favorite color and why?
have u ever had a romantic date? how long ago was the last time u were on a date?
Hows Life for you guys?
If You could ask your fav person anything what would it be?
What are yall opinions on long distance relationship ?
Beauty queen ago, 10 answers -
I left him for no reason despite our comfortable relationship, and at the same time I am not happy w
ago, 7 answers -
If you get a chance to go in past what will you do ?
Shraddha ago, 15 answers -
Can dreams come to you about a person?
Beauty queen ago, 6 answers -
Whats the best piece of advice someone has given you?
what makes u happy in a relationship
Isaac ago, 13 answers -
How to make a woman fall in love with you?
Intellectchat ago, 10 answers -
how do you know you love this person you with right now?
Elizalyn cass ago, 3 answers -
how to find the real love?
Mokuro ago, 10 answers -
Is it ok to feel rebelious?
Genocidio ago, 12 answers -
Drop the best pickup lines you've ever heard.
Yourally123 ago, 2 answers -
what's your fav movie and explain why
Why is it hard for men to share their problems???
Ravi ago, 11 answers -
what are you the most proud of so far in your life?
Samantha ago, 11 answers -
How Often should You wait Too Text Or Call Back.????
ago, 10 answers -
What's your favorite video game
Shoo shoo ago, 13 answers -
What can be broken but never held?
Maeve ago, 10 answers -
would you rather eat Ice Cream or Brownies
Isaac ago, 11 answers -
What in your life remains a mystery to you?
ago, 4 answers