Ask Questions, Page 44
Whats your favourite spot to hang out?
Why love hurt?
Romeo Geahdyu ago, 23 answers -
Favorite recipes that you personally made up.
Trenton ago, 10 answers -
What is something you are addicted to
Abdouu ago, 20 answers -
Which book or movie impacted you most growing up?
Livy-Lamb ago, 26 answers -
What do I do when he keeps leaving me on read?
Keirra ago, 28 answers -
What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Simona ago, 24 answers -
Do you have to have good friendship with your partner? For example in marriage?
rosa_ ago, 14 answers -
Do you think that we have another twin from another world
The dark angel ago, 1 answers -
what country you wanted to go to and why?
How I make so much friends here?
Ranveer Gupta ago, 5 answers -
What idiom in English to describe something very common?
If you lost a loved one, do you think you would come to me for support?
Why reading us so boring??
Anshika Nagar ago, 17 answers -
What’s going on?
Gopi ago, 10 answers -
Have y'all ever seen those gushers commercials from the 90's?
What is the best gift to your crush?
yuri ago, 43 answers -
What’s your favourite childhood memory?
Livy-Lamb ago, 19 answers -
What do you do when you feel isolated and you're down? how'd you deal with it
Leena ago, 10 answers - single for like so many need a relationship anybody up??
Which is better, a short life being rich, or a long life being poor?
What's the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Trippy ago, 12 answers -
How to impress a girl in this site 😁
Have you ever tried talking to your dog?