Ask Questions, Page 44
What is freedom for you?
Sue ago, 12 answers -
Tell me a short conspiracy theory you believe in
CoffeeICigs ago, 9 answers -
What is the most clever thing to say to a girl to ask her for a date ?
What keeps you up at night?
Leah ago, 14 answers -
What do you want people to know about you?
What's the best food in your opinion and why ?
If you could get to have any one power in this world, which would it be?
Would you rather someone hurts your feelings by being honest or lie to protect them?
Milana ago, 14 answers -
Whats the most cringe thing you have ever heard?
What is the point of being a human in earth???
Are you crazy?
What's been on your heart and mind recently?
Livy-Lamb ago, 15 answers -
How was your experience with Indian girl? if any
What do you prefer: Rationalism or Empiricism?
Intellectchat ago, 5 answers -
How is to be lonely?
Ramin ago, 10 answers -
What was you feel when you kiss first time?
Nitin20 ago, 10 answers -
What is your fav thing to do when ur in public?
Cute boba ago, 12 answers -
what's the highest temperature reached in your country this summer? (mine is 47c)
Intellectchat ago, 8 answers -
What age was your 1st kiss <3
Not allowed ago, 16 answers -
What to do when somebody is crazy obsessed with you but you dont feel the same way
Lauren ago, 10 answers -
Did loyal and faithful people really exist?
Elyn ago, 20 answers -
What is the most hated food on earth?
Cute boba ago, 20 answers -
Do you achieved what you came here for or still trying?
Do u know where love begins?