Ask Questions, Page 47
How many languages do you speak?
Vilako ago, 24 answers -
How do you know if you're depressed or just sad?
Are u more flirty person or shy?
Sue ago, 22 answers -
How to cure loneliness??
Aryannnn ago, 11 answers -
Do u think that lies is a way of life in these times?
Sue ago, 14 answers -
how do u usually deal with sadness?
Sue ago, 11 answers -
What would you do if you had knowledge of all secrets in the world?
Alyosha ago, 10 answers -
whats the weirdest way to get u interested?
Sue ago, 11 answers -
what do you do when the person you like doesn't like you anymore?
ago, 11 answers -
What you do when you feel alone
Do you believe in astrology
Dudd ago, 12 answers -
Who is special person in your life ?
Tanuu ago, 41 answers -
What's always found on the ground but never gets dirty?
Rishi ago, 12 answers -
Any hard movie to understand? (thriller-psycho-mystery)
Intellectchat ago, 6 answers -
Whats the lesson that you learned in your life ?
Abdhul on IG ago, 12 answers -
Can i hug you?
Can i hug you ago, 27 answers -
do you believe in gravity ? (this is a JoJo ref, y'all took it literally lmao)
Guys, do you like dominant girl?
Goddess Kiara ago, 30 answers -
If you had a choice, would you either be constantly thirsty or constantly hungry?
A person ago, 11 answers -
What's the strangest or funniest nickname you've had?
Tophi ago, 28 answers -
do you believe in gravity ?
You wake up as a superhero one morning. Who would you choose
Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
If you ever got a choice to break someone's heart, will it be his or yours?