Ask Questions, Page 51
What do I do when he keeps leaving me on read?
Keirra ago, 27 answers -
What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Simona ago, 24 answers -
Do you think that we have another twin from another world
The dark angel ago, 1 answers -
what country you wanted to go to and why?
How I make so much friends here?
Ranveer Gupta ago, 5 answers -
What idiom in English to describe something very common?
If you lost a loved one, do you think you would come to me for support?
Why reading us so boring??
Anshika Nagar ago, 17 answers -
Whats going on?
Gopi ago, 10 answers -
Have y'all ever seen those gushers commercials from the 90's?
What is the best gift to your crush?
yuri ago, 43 answers -
Whats your favourite childhood memory?
Livy-Lamb ago, 19 answers -
What do you do when you feel isolated and you're down? how'd you deal with it
Which is better, a short life being rich, or a long life being poor?
What's the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
Trippy ago, 11 answers -
How to impress a girl in this site
Have you ever tried talking to your dog?
what is the most important lesson life has taught you?
Is it possible to meet the right one for you in this big world?
Shein ago, 12 answers -
Can someone fall in love online?
why introverts always stuck in expressing themselves
komal ago, 24 answers -
What do you do when you are bored?
Eesha ago, 34 answers -
What is toxic relationship for you?
Lab ago, 14 answers -
What admittedly petty red flags turn you off of dating someone?
Dillinger ago, 24 answers