Ask Questions, Page 58
what is your best satisfaction?
Mohideen Raghu ago, 6 answers -
Describe urself in a word !!
Raoul ago, 16 answers -
What's your red flag?
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?
Do you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in the middle?
How do you handle with sadness?
Assteroid ago, 15 answers -
New Year Resolution 2023
How do u get closer to the person that u like?
Helen Nguyen ago, 9 answers -
Why do we usually end up doing the wrong things despite of early warnings?
Are you a day person or a night person?
What's your reaction gonna be if your friend kissed your crush
Summer or winter?
Dia ago, 19 answers -
What is your favorite color?
top ago, 22 answers -
How did yall make your photos upright?
what matter the most ? your body or money?
Do you consider yourself trustworthy?
Assteroid ago, 12 answers -
Would you forgive your patner if he/she cheated on you?
Anderrr999 ago, 15 answers -
In your opinion how many days does it takes to change a bad habit?
Assteroid ago, 10 answers -
Would you rather be honest and lost someone or lie so u can keep him/her?
Anyone miss an old friend?
Assteroid ago, 14 answers -
What is the most romantic way to propose?
Gear ago, 12 answers -
Why ppl dealing with trust issues here ?
Yfz Ez ago, 10 answers -
do you prefer dark eyes or pale eyes (blue, green)?
britt ago, 10 answers -
Do you get motivated easily while watching a movie?