Ask Questions, Page 6
What's one thing you love but hate at the same time x?
Keira ago, 12 answers -
What's your memorable day?
Reshma sheikh ago, 13 answers -
What is your favourite song?
un poco loco ago, 11 answers -
Any Indian girl here for normal chat?
have your ever felt that you weren't included? have you ever felt yourself not welcome somewhere? no
Are you guys able to build consistency and discipline in life or you are lazy like me?
Rohit Singh ago, 6 answers -
What is the greatest compliment you have ever received, and why did it mean so much to you?
un poco loco ago, 8 answers -
Have you ever fallen in love?
Twink ago, 11 answers -
Does life makes sense at all?
Lynn S ago, 21 answers -
How was your day?
Charlie Ching ago, 15 answers -
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What is the strangest dream you ever had !!?
What does Peace mean to you?
How's everyone today?
What's your favorite fruit?
Cynna ago, 36 answers -
what's a major deal breaker/ turn off for you?
raven ago, 17 answers -
if u have time machine , then what u want to do?
wisteria ago, 22 answers -
What’s for dinner?
Roxiii ago, 21 answers -
If you could live again, but as an animal, what would it be? Why?
ago, 15 answers -
What is goal of your life?
un poco loco ago, 7 answers -
What's your favorite song?
Lynn S ago, 22 answers -
Why do I feel most men lack effort for love nowadays?
How long has it been since you picked up a pencil and drew?
Which Hazel ago, 12 answers -
what is your biggest fear in life