Ask Questions, Page 60
turkey or ham? which do yall prefer
britt ago, 16 answers -
Beach or mountain??
Dia ago, 14 answers -
For you what is definition of beauty?
Ann ago, 16 answers -
who will win the world cup?
friend where are you now?
Are you okay?
Daydreamer ago, 9 answers -
How would you defeat an evil version of yourself
ago, 5 answers -
How's your life there?
How to say sorry without actually saying it ?
How do you know if someone truly loves you?
Ann ago, 18 answers -
Anyone want a therapist?
Will shyness ever disappear?
Can we be friends :)?
Why are u ghosting me?
What word describes you?
How to be the best version of yourself?
What you want to do now
What's something that made you smile today?
Lily Sells ago, 12 answers -
What do you do when you are sad?
S ago, 14 answers -
What attracts you the most?
Ae ago, 23 answers -
How do you relax when you're stressed out?
David ago, 13 answers -
When do you think it is the proper time to put up your Christmas tree?
How do you know when she is the one??
Do you tend to make decisions based on logic or emotion?