Ask Questions, Page 63
Did you find someone make you smile
Abdulaziz Keda ago, 6 answers -
What will u choose u love someone or someone loves u..
Is it all about Hard work or there's some role of luck too in the success of a person?
Would u like to go on a blind date?
What's one thing you regret doing the most in your life?
How do you really know that it's love rather than attraction?
What determines u as a good human being?
Who is the one person u go to when u need advice?
Do we have chance build strong relationship?
What will u do if u love someone and he will not be yours..??
Mitch ago, 17 answers -
if you had time machine, what year would you want to back in?
dawg9 ago, 10 answers -
What would you change about yourself if you could?
What according to ur opinion, is not enough for most people?
what wish you have that you want to come true?
Who ended your last two relationships you or the other person?
Tittyjunkie ago, 4 answers -
Imagine money and time is not an issue and your free to go and do whatever you please.
what language do you wish you were able to speak?
Silver mint ago, 19 answers -
Who's Single here??
Is the world fundamentally a better place because of science and technology?
Long distance relationships: yes or no?
Btwnope ago, 21 answers -
How to choose a true friend?
What do u prefer, cats or dogs?
What would u do if ur parents didn't approve of ur partner?
Who is your favorite person?
Kyle everett ago, 7 answers