Ask Questions, Page 69
What is your worst and best experience ever?
Out of the blue ago, 5 answers -
What do you do if there is someone you love, but he doesn't love you or maybe he hates you?
Do you think cb is addictive ?
Matthew swami ago, 4 answers -
whats that movie u have watched more than once ?
ago, 7 answers -
What could lead you to break up with your GF/BF ?
Why people love money ?
Matthew swami ago, 7 answers -
Lazy sunday or active sunday?
What do you feel when you come here to interact?
Agarwal ji ago, 6 answers -
Belen ago, 14 answers -
If you could change one thing about the world what would it be?
What makes a good girlfriend/partner?
Princess Suzy ago, 6 answers -
What always makes you smile?
ago, 13 answers -
What does friendship mean to you?
Have you ever been to an island? if yes tell me how it was? and how you felt?
Merouane Merad ago, 2 answers -
What did you do when you don't know what to do?
If You Had Three Wishes, What Would You Wish For?
ciontenta ago, 12 answers -
What is the force required to get of bed on a cold winter morning?
according to u ? Which animal the cutest in the world??
likearose ago, 11 answers -
What is your biggest fear?
Can you guys recommend me any good crime involved movies
Assteroid ago, 13 answers -
Do you feel like you've lived this same day many times before?
Why are you still single is it your choice. Or haven't. Meet the right person?
Mahmoud Sawy ago, 10 answers -
Do you believe in long distance relationship?
Is it okay for someone to regift a gift they got?