Ask Questions, Page 70
use 3 emojies to describe your mood ryt now.
moon ago, 15 answers -
What makes you happy?
Happy New Year for all of you
What makes you truly feel happy
Mahmoud Sawy ago, 7 answers -
What do you want for you next year?
Sheera ago, 49 answers -
What's more painful being alone or the the feeling being played by someone
What to do if you are busy and he/she feels that you are ignoring him/her intentionally?
CarryMinati ago, 3 answers -
Have you maked any changes so far?
what it likes to be with you?
Joff Ochea ago, 9 answers -
Do you think online relationships can be successful sometimes ?
NaN ago, 11 answers -
How can you move on to someone you just meet online? I hate this ferling.. Haizzt :'(
if "Hi" is a bad option for starting a conversation, then what's the good one?
NaN ago, 11 answers -
Idea of a perfect date..
ciontenta ago, 13 answers -
What makes you feel special?
1234 ago, 12 answers -
What gives your life meaning?
Why am I being punished for being nice?
Sneha ago, 12 answers -
who's into house music?
Hug me if Im wrong, but dinosaurs still exist, right?
ciontenta ago, 16 answers -
Whats your most UNLUCKY moment?
Mighty Lucker ago, 5 answers -
what's your favorite flower?
moon ago, 10 answers -
What's up people of earth
Im lighter than air , yet I can be broken. What am I?
What would you like to have if you were rich?
ago, 12 answers -
Whats a belief that you hold with which many people disagree? remember you are unique.
Joff Ochea ago, 2 answers