Ask Questions, Page 71
In your country what age a woman usually get married?
Joff Ochea ago, 4 answers -
what would be the best thing about not having a sense of smell? :)
Hashumie Chan ago, 10 answers -
Have you ever cheated Dont answer if you cant be honest
Smilelots12 ago, 10 answers -
What your first date would be like?
Cherry lush ago, 4 answers -
what part of the human face is your favorite?
Hashumie Chan ago, 28 answers -
What are three things you could buy at a grocery store to make the cashier give you weird looks?
Neha ago, 11 answers -
what frustrates you the most?
Do you know how to cook?
Cai ago, 14 answers -
Has anyone managed to make an online relationship work?
Is there anyone here who can speak Chinese language?
Island Boy ago, 2 answers -
What First thing women notice in a guy???
Ajeet Kumar ago, 3 answers -
What song makes you feel the most? Any emotion goes
What do u want in ur life ? And what's urs ambitions
Lucas Leiva ago, 5 answers -
Any guilty pleasure you got
How many ex have you???
What do you want to say to that someone you just met here?
Why it so hard to forget your first love?
Wt is the definition of true love?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced? give advice
Lucas Leiva ago, 2 answers -
What really turns you off?
How to know if someone is missing you?
Do guys sit and cry when girls left them?
Bella ago, 11 answers -
Most craziest thing u ever did?
If the feeling is mutual, why did he left?