Ask Questions, Page 72
Have you ever inlove? and Do U think There's Forever?
ago, 4 answers -
Who is looking for a lifelong person to chat with at night?
RedHeadedWolf01 ago, 5 answers -
what foreign eyes see you as a treasure?
what is true love for you?
Hashumie Chan ago, 10 answers -
Have u ever felt like you are failing to get successful in life ? Even when u keep trying
What topic can you chat about all night long?
RedHeadedWolf01 ago, 2 answers -
What really scares you in life? Emotionally, mentally or physically
Most important thing for a relationship is....?
How can get real friends from others countries to increase my English conversation
What is the thing u admire of Art and Arist?
If you want to date a filipina what kind of personality are you looking or expecting them to be ?
what is favourite thing
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Do you think relationship is very important to life?
Alone_Lover ago, 9 answers -
What makes you happy??
Do you like go to the beach??
Dia ago, 10 answers -
What's your name?
ago, 8 answers -
Whats the first thing you do when you wake up?
Keith ago, 12 answers -
What would you change if you could go back in time to change one thing?
What is your favorite sports?
ago, 7 answers -
Whats the point of this site?
If u have one day to live what u gonna do ...that u dont regret it before to live?
ago, 2 answers -
What's a dream of yours ?
are u okay?
are u hooman ago, 9 answers