Ask Questions, Page 75
Embarrassing moment with your gf/bf
Anybody can accept singlemom??
Achyheart ago, 11 answers -
Does love depends on money?
How do you feel when you wait for someone?
For Old members tho.. Who do you want to see back on CB??
Hey everybody! Lets start with jokes..
Guli ago, 13 answers -
What do you not like in a relationship?
How was Ur 1st kiss started ?
What do you want to learn this year?
Who is your favourite actor(Hollywood and bollywood) and why ?
What is a normal relationship?
what is the use of the word "sorry"?
Who cares about age in love
Who is responsible during irresponsible?
What kind of mistakes girls do during finding her soulmate ?
Are you happy with your life ?
Who is your favourite animal?
if you're going to reincarnate to an animal what kind of animal would it be and why?
Cindy Trans ago, 8 answers -
If I am single will u date me
Gaurav painuly ago, 4 answers -
What's your plan for this Christmas celebration ?Merry Christmas
What is everyone up for Christmas
How it feels to be bored
if u a cartoon char what u would pick to be
Who wants to hook up with me Im from Australia