Ask Questions, Page 87
Im bored af, how is everyone doing?
If your actions today gives you tomorrow; Will you live tomorrow??
Is Anyone here want boy friend??
Does anyone believe in long distance relationship?
What's your favorite game?
Please I'm here to practice my English. Who will help me achieving that?
Hasan ALkhamesi ago, 1 answers -
why is it hard to have a gf or even a date?
Lincobingo ago, 4 answers -
Hey, how's everybody? What is ur plan this summer?
Whats up peeps?
Gxth Angel ago, 1 answers -
Gxth Angel ago, 1 answers -
Who's watching GOT? what is your prediction?
What if this all a dream
Name of the book that influence or change you?
How wud life be different if u were born the opposite gender?
what would you like to do when you feel alone?
any body here wants to chat?
Hasan ALkhamesi ago, 1 answers -
What is the hardest question u ever answered or might not be answered?
What wud u tell yourself if u meet yourself from the past?
Do u believe in destiny or do u make ur own destiny?
Guys, what, exactly, is it about good jokes that makes u or people laugh?
Would u rather have EXTRAORDINARY love that doesn't last 4ever,or ORDINARY love that does?
What are u pretending not to know?
how do u make someone stop being mad at u?
What are things that u learned from ur Ex?