Are you watching Olympic Games? And if you do, which category you like more?

10 answers
  • Skateboarding
    1 month
  • Opening ceremony was…. I am speechless … not much good there
    1 month
  • No, only the soccer games if I have time.
    1 month
  • I would normally watch it but this year it's just not grasped me at all
    1 month
  • Soccer ⚽
    1 month
  • Swimming
    1 month
  • Agree with Rosa. I doubt I would have watched anyhow but certainly not now after the opening filth.
    1 month
  • Being an Audience
    1 month
  • Athletics and swimming. But now~ same as Record Man's
    1 month
  • swimming and pole vaulting. swimming was better
    6 days

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