How can we reduce or decrease sadness in our life....?

26 answers
  • Talk to mr
    2 weeks
  • Stay away from toxic people distract yourself to do other things ,
    2 weeks
  • Be cathartic
    2 weeks
  • Just like SyraX says. It is good to work on yourself too. Good luck!
    2 weeks
  • Choose healthy happiness ...
    2 weeks
  • The art of letting go
    2 weeks
  • do fun things
    2 weeks
  • By taking one thing that nothing is permanent . Ups and downs is also part of life
    2 weeks
  • Sadness is a part of life. Most you can do is be yourself and do the things you love doing. Stop caring what's popular with others.
    1 week
  • Some good advice listed by others above. Id just add stay busy. Don't dwell on the sad things.
    1 week
  • By increasing happiness
    1 week
  • Make yourself busy
    1 week
  • Engage in things that you love doing most
    1 week
  • If he lived near you, and he wrote you a kind message telling you he cares, don't ignore him...
    1 week
  • Keep self busy
    1 week
  • Practice detachment
    1 week
  • Emotional regulation, self care, positive focus and social connections
    1 week
  • Looking at you 🥹🥹
    1 week
  • $8 off your shien
    1 week
  • The answer box is not long enough for my answer
    1 week
  • being grateful to what you have now
    1 week
  • Distract yourself by doing something you like, or something new
    1 week
  • focus on your goals and never stop or give up till u reach them.
    1 week
  • Having fun
    1 week
  • Shopping 💖
    1 week
  • Get a life 😂meet new people, learn new things, travel, get hobbies
    4 days

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