How you handle the worst day

25 answers
  • By ignoring the worst things
    3 months
  • Agree with public enemy. Talk to God about it. πŸ™
    3 months
  • each day comes according our past deeds. if we did good in past/present will never get worst day in future
    3 months
  • ice cream.
    3 months
  • Kissing πŸ’‹
    3 months
  • if it is very bad, i relax and wait next day
    3 months
  • Cry until I am tired then sleep
    3 months
  • facing it, ignoring it will not make you escape from your problems
    3 months
  • sleep
    3 months
  • just sleep ....!!
    3 months
  • Drowning myself in music
    3 months
  • I read,or do random acts of kindness
    3 months
  • Relax smoke a cigarette and say to myself things could be a lot worse...and leave it at that
    3 months
  • By accepting
    3 months
  • Inhale exhale, tomorrow is another day
    3 months
  • Walking, meditation, make love not war x
    3 months
  • Watch italy 2006 wc highlights
    3 months
  • Fantasize that I am dead already lol
    3 months
    2 months
  • Call ma side bish
    2 months
  • Sleeping
    2 months
  • Time can heal pains left by besties who are tolerant with their enemies but not with close friends
    2 months
  • Just laugh and divert your mind . Hope that can help you forget your pains
    2 months
  • sleep
    2 months
  • It is what it is. Okay, next problem fate c'moon
    2 months

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