If a guy doesn't love you anymore is it still worth fighting for your relationship?

21 answers
  • Some people are not worth it.....hhhahaahaa
    1 week
  • just move on already lol
    1 week
  • Fighting for what lol
    1 week
  • It depends. Sometimes that little extra effort will show your partner you really care and he will love you.
    1 week
  • No hun sorry
    1 week
  • No, he's just playing you hard.
    1 week
  • NO.... don't waste your precious time or energy on him. Move on, u got this 👍 💪 👌
    1 week
  • No
    1 week
  • No that's wrong you should lead your happy life without him...😍
    1 week
  • nope don't waste your time.
    1 week
  • A big NO, one sided love never work my dear, get goin & love yourself more
    1 week
  • no
    1 week
  • Run awayyy
    1 week
  • No Hun x
    1 week
  • No
    1 week
  • Absolutely not.
    1 week
  • Just let him go
    1 week
  • It's clearly not worth fighting for. It should be both ways. Not a one sided feeling.
    1 week
  • No. Just let him go. Know your worth.
    1 week
  • No, let him go and move on
    1 week
  • Nope,
    5 days

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