If we were dating where would you take me out for a date??

10 answers
  • Mini golf
    3 months
  • A movie somewhere to eat then go to the beach and have fun
    3 months
  • Movie,beach,park
    3 months
  • You refuse the date that’s why you said Mars bcs none could go there neither get out of earth space 🙄
    3 months
  • Anywhere you wanted to go.
    3 months
  • beside some good scene park or river
    3 months
  • My village who is on mountain
    3 months
  • prob on a little mountain and watch the sun go down
    3 months
  • I am straight ; But if i was a guy , I would probably take you to my favourite eatery
    3 months
  • If I was a guy, prolly the place you wanna go or arcade
    2 months

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