If you could ask God one question what would it be?

16 answers
  • Man Stephen that's a hard one. I figure I'll understand it all someday when I get to heaven so I guess I'll just wait till then to find out.
    1 week
  • That’s kufr (we (men kind)get asked but Allah out of asking n off all the questions)
    1 week
  • If I could ask God 1 question, it would be "Why did you let my 4 month old niece die"
    1 week
  • Why
    1 week
  • Why did you create pain?
    1 week
  • How should one leave in the world with inner peace and comfortable
    1 week
  • What is his purpose of creation.
    1 week
  • I say thanks God
    1 week
  • I will ask God why He is letting innocent people suffer.
    1 week
  • Because he’s also letting guilty harmful wealthy people living the paradise his wisdom is equal
    1 week
  • I can answer all the people that are talking about innocent people being in pain. Its due to sin. By one man sin entered the world and the wages of
    1 week
  • God is there periodt
    5 days
  • Why you lemme born in this earth 🌎
    5 days
  • I want to ask, why would you not show me what I should do? Why not make me wise fast and furious! Why not make me genius! Why not spoonfeed me! 😅
    4 days
  • What's the point in living?
    2 days
  • Alhamdulilah,
    1 day

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