If you were all alone in the world, what would you do?

14 answers
  • I am.
    1 week
  • Been like this for 12 years. If I could nuke the world I probably would
    1 week
  • Bunker down and survive off the land.
    1 week
  • Id make it one day at a time. But it wouldn't be easy.
    1 week
  • I would do everything in my power to restore the land and the nature.
    1 week
  • I would find a volleyball at name it Wilson
    1 week
  • Hunt zombies for sport
    1 week
  • Chatblink
    1 week
  • I'm already alone
    1 week
  • Easy! I would look for everyone else who decided to hide!
    6 days
  • Sleep
    4 days
  • Shoot anyone that managed to stay alive
    4 days
  • wander around freely and travel i think
    4 days
  • Well I would go crazy within a month
    2 days

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