Is it important for you to share interests with your partner?

25 answers
  • A little
    3 months
  • Yes of Cours
    3 months
  • Ya that's make me happy
    3 months
  • Of course
    3 months
  • Yes its important adriana its important to know everything about your partner
    3 months
  • Not all interest but at least some
    3 months
  • Life experience effects πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌ
    3 months
  • If ya think it's useless to share , then don't share
    3 months
  • Yes it is important bcs I fell happy when some one has the same interstes
    3 months
  • Yes. Then you’re enjoyment of shared interests allows deeper understanding so then you can appreciate the fact that they’ve interests you dont share
    3 months
  • Not necessarily all interests but having a few that overlap would be good for the relationship
    3 months
  • Every time I look at myself in the mirror I see that beautiful girl And that's me.
    3 months
  • Yes.
    3 months
  • Very important.
    3 months
  • Very important, you need common interests in and outside the bedroom to flourish
    3 months
  • Yeah it is
    3 months
  • Very very important
    3 months
  • πŸ’™
    3 months
  • honestly for me it's very important so we can share something to do or talk about together
    3 months
  • Yes. Hugely important. Some interests at least
    3 months
  • Open communication is required for any intimacy or relationship to grow healthier over time
    3 months
  • Yeah
    2 months
  • Deffo
    2 months
  • I think yh bc dats communication
    1 month
  • Yes but not need to share 100% of our interests
    5 days

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