It’s okay to be the type of men that don’t know how to communicate with women bcs they scary you ?

10 answers
  • hehehe very funny!
    2 weeks
  • Pretend those cats are girls and practice talking to them. 🐈 Then your confidence will grow.
    2 weeks
  • Maniacs Simulating fantasy confidence no I’m fine
    2 weeks
  • they are very scary to be honest
    2 weeks
  • No!!! That's really bad if that's the case, if you can't communicate on here first and foremost then you'll really struggle face to face with someone.
    2 weeks
  • you need to learn some basic techniques with confidence and general conversation, lol maybe I'm missing the point of your question t
    2 weeks
  • 😞😞
    2 weeks
  • Communication is a must in a relationship so no
    2 weeks
  • According to ur statement deaf people can’t communicate bcs they can’t talk!🙄
    2 weeks
  • It's ok for women but it might not be ok for you psychologically. You may feel badly.
    6 days

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