Majority of people like to be receivers instead of being givers n senders?
Indian Girl
4 days ago
I am a giver but if I am getting zero efforts in return then I just ignore them
Record Man
4 days ago
There's a few people I've met in my life who seem to enjoy giving and helping others more than receiving for themselves. But most just wanna receive.
The Prince
4 days ago
People are greedy they used to take only without giving it back to u
4 days ago
I am trying to live a minimalist lifestyle, so I rather not be receiving so much material items. If someone does give to me unsolicited, I will sell.
3 days ago
Imma taker, I get whatever I want
Masculine god
3 days ago
I'm a giver. Nowadays people don't wanna be a giver bcoz they were never taught the happiness in giving and providing.
3 days ago
And what about you ? What are you ? Are you a giver ?
3 days ago
I must be bcs it’s all what my paith about as a srvant 🪦🧩😶
Sweet Chilisauce
3 days ago
Zak are you willing to send a box of chocolate for our dear friend 🦐
3 days ago
You better send him a bunch of dates from your 🇴🇲 oasis it contains more of helthy sugar Sukainah 😶
Sweet Chilisauce
2 days ago
Im talking about our dear friend from France 🥹 not Fixer
Sweet Chilisauce
2 days ago
Btw it's Shekainah not Sukainah ☹️
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