The best breakfast you want?

12 answers
  • If I'm gonna eat breakfast, which is rare, I'll take a big stack of pancakes. Heavy on the syrup, butter and confectionary sugar.
    1 month
  • I go for any Pinoy Silog especially tapsilog ( beef tapa, fried rice and egg )
    1 month
  • Pancakes waffles eggs bacon
    1 month
  • Tiramisu cake
    1 month
  • Bread jam 🫡😋😋
    1 month
  • Milk
    1 month
  • Pancake
    1 month
  • Dosa
    1 month
  • you
    1 month
  • Toast and oats
    1 month
  • A cup of coffee and bread
    1 month
  • Milk and bread!
    1 month

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