There's a trend in my country called "Marriage is Scary" what do you think about that?

19 answers
  • If you would be my bride I'll be brave
    3 days
  • People change... protect urself
    3 days
  • Well it is scary lol I’m never getting married
    3 days
  • marriage is the best thing ever
    3 days
  • It should have been more scary for many people I know. Many rushed into it and ended up very unhappy.
    3 days
  • no harm to try learning from scary.
    3 days
  • Fake story,lol, Eastern China cheap provinces
    2 days
  • dont they call it arranged marriage in yor country thats the trend you are talking about
    2 days
  • No. It's not arranged marriage. We don't have something like that in Indonesia
    2 days
  • I mean like the fact that everything is expensive, and people are unpredictable. You don't know what kind of person they truly are
    2 days
  • emang ngeri sih
    2 days
  • I am against marriage. People who love each other should not be forced into this religious thing. Just love.
    2 days
  • Marriage is a gift, after getting married a person is approximately 0.1 percent less attracted to other women/men
    2 days
  • its scary because what if he's not an animal lover and doesn't want to move to switz with me and make a whole flower garden in our backyard
    2 days
  • Wrong question
    1 day
  • Live together first and then marry
    1 day
  • Marriage is beautiful and an obligation upon men and women for the sake of future.
    1 day
  • Marriage is not scary, just have to be faithful to each other and uphold strongly the promises made. Be grateful to have each other and we have.
    1 day
  • Marriage is scary. It's not a matter of a temporary decision, a 'let's try this and see what happens' decision, it's more a type of 'rest of my life '
    1 day

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