What are some signs of a toxic relationship?

13 answers
  • Hello
    1 month
  • Manipulative, lying, possessive a bad way if that makes any sense),
    1 month
  • Being ignored and made to feel like you've done something wrong when you know you haven't. Gaslighting, manipulation
    1 month
  • Lack of interest in you. When your partner starts showing disinterest in your company those are red flags. Best to leave early.
    1 month
  • What would you like to do with me if you had the chance?
    1 month
  • Laying 😑
    1 month
  • Being in one
    1 month
  • You feel uncomfortable is red flag number one.
    1 month
  • Demanding
    1 month
  • When the partner is toxic
    1 month
  • The partner blames you and you feel insecure in your partners company
    1 month
  • Emotional roller-coaster
    1 month
  • Gaslighter and loves love bombing.
    1 month

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