What are you most thankful for?

18 answers
  • To be the son of my mom and dad
    2 months
  • Ok
    2 months
  • Thankful that Jesus walks with me through each day and helps me deal with things. I couldn't do it by myself.
    2 months
  • That I did not turn out to be a religious nutjob like that guy
    2 months
  • If believing and trusting in Jesus makes me a nutjob, I'll accept that compliment every time.Thank u very much Nads.
    2 months
  • @Record Man, Jesus Christ died for whole world and I'm happy to see that you love him and believe him💕
    2 months
  • Thanks Axin. U r right. 👍
    2 months
  • Don't care others words, believe in Jesus 💖 he loves you a lot and he is ur strength that you have in your life 🥰
    2 months
  • I second, Record Man for the nth time
    2 months
  • My family, they annoy me sometimes but I'd be nothing without them
    2 months
  • I'm thankful for death.Because most don't appreciate being good.
    2 months
  • If any lady is interested in a date relationship then please message me, even if you want to call me home everything will be provided
    2 months
  • Im thankful to be able to see the nature, creation of God.
    2 months
  • @Nadine You know wats very nutjob is you talkin abt someone loving Jesus if you don't love Christians or whatever keep it for urself
    2 months
  • It's very childish and immature
    2 months
  • He responded the question and you decided to call him a nutjob religious shame on you very immature and childish
    2 months
  • And plus all he did is thank Jesus how is it so religious?
    2 months
  • to be alive, there's still hope as long I am living
    1 month

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