What attracts u most to a woman except her beauty

15 answers
  • Good question. Lmao. There isn't much else.
    4 months
  • Cant tell Bcs it’s kind of cheating πŸ˜’
    4 months
  • her personality.
    4 months
  • Eye contacts xD
    4 months
  • The ability to hold a good conversation and a sense of humour. Good morals and values, and standing up for herself, taking no nonsense
    4 months
  • Someone who makes you smile or laugh
    4 months
  • Bootyyy?
    4 months
  • All ur answers are great .. brilliant opinion πŸ’š
    4 months
  • Anyone single
    4 months
  • Nothing apart from her cooking and cleaning skills
    4 months
  • Except her body emmm herbody
    4 months
  • Her intelligence and intuitive level.
    4 months
  • Behaving like an adult
    3 months
  • I believe the most attractive part of a woman is her passion
    3 months
  • Her dark humor
    2 months

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