What attracts you to someone? Personality or Physically?

22 answers
  • U attracted my physically tbh haha
    1 week
  • For longer relations, both have to be there. But nice people get more pretty, and vice versa.
    1 week
  • Both
    1 week
  • Face and personality
    1 week
  • nothing
    1 week
  • how to attract girls?
    1 week
  • it can't be just one. its both.
    1 week
  • Physical attracts u but personality keeps you there
    1 week
  • that flower did nothing
    1 week
  • Depends on she is cute or bold 😊☺️
    1 week
  • Honestly, both but personality aka their heart matters more
    1 week
  • Depends who the person is
    1 week
  • Personality
    1 week
  • The body depends on the personality, and the personality does not depend on the body alone
    1 week
  • For me wits & humor, face value kinda a bonus
    1 week
  • Personality sex and being tromantic
    1 week
  • if your personality is SHITTTT then instantly I'm unattractive to you
    1 week
  • their eyes
    1 week
  • You got burned by Tausif girl haha
    1 week
  • Personality
    1 week
  • both, personality to keep our talks engaging n entertaining and physically attractive, for me it's thicc thighs n good booty
    6 days
  • And your answer is ?
    2 days

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