What do u think about the world

12 answers
  • phone with d internet is the world to me and strangers nd their lies r d entertainers.
    3 weeks
  • It's a fallen world. It's going downhill daily.
    3 weeks
  • Uhm don't know i mean no one knows
    3 weeks
  • I think the world is worth exploring.
    3 weeks
  • I appreciate its roundness. Spheres are aesthetically pleasing.
    3 weeks
  • I appreciate its roundness. Spheres are aesthetically pleasing.
    3 weeks
  • The world isn't good for anybody.
    3 weeks
  • The world is like a piano. The black keys are pain and sadness the white keys are happiness and memorable times. We need both to play music.
    3 weeks
  • Horrible
    3 weeks
  • Clean toilet
    3 weeks
  • I think less and less about it every day.
    3 weeks
  • And Donald Trump won the presidency
    6 days

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