2 years ago
to stay hydrated :)
Record Man
2 years ago
To try to glorify my savior Jesus Christ in everything I do. To let people see him working through me.
2 years ago
Progression change growth
Aarna Verma
2 years ago
The purpose of life is to live a happy life without any disturbance of relationship.
2 years ago
knowing why you were came to here and knowing who you really are.
2 years ago
In heaven nobody eats fotr themselves each one's hand is feeding others others feed you it's a circle life's purpose is feed as much as possible
2 years ago
The purpose of life is to live a meaningful life.And what you have experienced no power on earth can take from you..Viktor Frankl.
2 years ago
The more you understand the more sad you get.. If you understand purpose of life u would be sad I believe
2 years ago
Sheera has a good answer, if you haven't found what your purpose is, there is always DMT, 5-meo-dmt, ayahuasca etc. to help as a tool for you to see!
Some guy out there
2 years ago
It doesn't have a purpose in itself. And if you're looking for a purpose you missed the point already.
2 years ago
To know, love and server God
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