What is your biggest fear about relationships?

19 answers
  • Most fear that they will get betrayed or they fear the heartbreak or drama due to past breakups.
    3 months
  • Sour gummies
    3 months
  • If he likes drugs.
    3 months
  • If u live with fear it's bad
    3 months
  • Not real love
    3 months
  • Hope getting pregnant
    3 months
  • Lair,catfish,betrayal
    3 months
  • To find an relationship
    3 months
  • fear about mistreated n disrespectful relationship
    3 months
  • Being cheated on again
    3 months
  • That I will never have one
    3 months
  • I am a good woman but I don't do anything on somebody's command I don't like to be forced to do something that I don't want to do
    3 months
  • Being cheated on 🙌🏻
    3 months
  • Relationship itself is a fear.. idk what's that. All i know is love...🙂
    3 months
  • When you feel hurt and others don't and when you value a relationship based on an attitude not betrayal despite love that he owns for ya.
    3 months
  • It's very sad to feel someone hurts you but you don't count the times you hurt him
    3 months
  • When the relation ships away
    3 months
  • When she began to be super secretive and leave, maybe for a better man, idk just hurted
    3 months
  • I have no fear!!!!!if someone leaves you.....so be it!!!!!I don't get jealous.....just have a pre- nuptial agreement.....
    3 months

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