Ask Questions
How to feel secure with your looks?
Sslluutty b ago, 5 answers -
what was one good and one bad thing that happened to you in 2024?
What you need for wish in 2025?
Do you believe in long distance relationship?
What is something that you will miss about 2024 ?
Is it bad to be lonely?
Lynn S ago, 13 answers -
Recommendations for a movie night?
Mr Morningstar ago, 12 answers -
Memorial day of 2024?? And why
What is everyone doing for Christmas
What do you like to read?
Simplelife ago, 12 answers -
What best color combination?
Anna1992 ago, 28 answers -
Favorite day of the year?
TamTam ago, 18 answers -
What do you want to leave behind and bring into the year 2025?
What's your favorite thing about your best friend?
What attracts u the most in Men, either physically or emotionally!
What does Home mean to you?
Wandering ago, 10 answers -
What's your favorite band?
Luna ago, 32 answers -
What is Love?
What is the nicest thing someone has said to you?
Wandering ago, 12 answers -
what was the strange incident you ever heard or had
edvincooper ago, 8 answers -
Any pickup line for boys?
how do you walk up to a guy you like after talking for a month?
Samantha18 ago, 14 answers -
What would you do if people thought you were hot?
Wandering ago, 12 answers -
Who is your favorite comedian?
Wandering ago, 20 answers