What is your ideal kind of date?

14 answers
  • Its Surprise
    3 months
  • Like go see a movie or go shopping or go to the beach
    3 months
  • I would like to take a walk to a beach or mountain just to see sunset together.
    3 months
  • Hai
    3 months
  • Cooking a nice dinner for my partner and enjoying each others company.
    3 months
  • Hmm.. I would have to say a movie night with some good snacks or even a book date at the library
    3 months
  • Great meal and either drinks or dessert. Coffee and maybe some intercourse too
    3 months
  • Tacos must be part of it
    3 months
  • An increase of connection with the individual. Like sharing an experience that you both like. Making an impact that's worthy of remembering.
    3 months
  • no ideas
    3 months
  • Her and me together is enough
    3 months
  • Day, followed by month and year!
    3 months
  • me w/ haruto:3
    3 months
  • Followed by another date
    2 months

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