What would you do if you hit the lottery jackpot?

10 answers
  • definitely wouldn't bother going to work anymore
    1 week
  • Not much would change with me personally. Be supporting plenty of animal welfare groups and Bible distribution.
    1 week
  • Buy a place in Hawaii and live the good life
    1 week
  • Move and not tell a soul.
    1 week
  • Build a farm or rancho
    1 week
  • Enjoy travel then donate all
    1 week
  • Get a house and spread money
    1 week
  • Live a life of luxury
    1 week
  • See what money gets me in this lonely life of mine
    1 week
  • I try to avoid the news But it's hard to avoid it when you hear people shooting somebody or killing somebody with a gun. K
    1 week

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