What's your favourite hobby and why?

20 answers
  • Play basketball and video games cause it won't make me bored alot
    1 month
  • Leg work
    1 month
  • What's your favorite food Axin?
    1 month
  • @Sheera, Pork adobo is my favourite food, What's urs Sheera?
    1 month
  • I don't eat pork, I like doubles
    1 month
  • Walking bcs it's healthy
    1 month
  • @Sheera, Okie ๐Ÿ˜Š
    1 month
  • Listening music and reading short story Book. It's give my mind relax
    1 month
  • Eating chicken wings
    1 month
  • Taking your breath away
    1 month
  • Because that's the only context schmurder is allowed in
    1 month
  • Not spending money cause I dont have money
    1 month
  • Sleeping to catch on my dreams
    1 month
  • Reading to gain more knowledge.
    1 month
  • Cruising
    1 month
  • gambling on the p diddy roblox game
    1 month
  • because itโ€™s really cool obviously
    1 month
  • Listening to music
    1 month
  • Sleeping :)
    1 month
  • Polo
    3 weeks

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