Ask Questions
If emotions had flavors, what would heartbreak taste like ?
What's the best pick-up line you ever heard?
Mr Morningstar ago, 5 answers -
If aliens landed tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d tell them ?
Web series, film or movie recommendation that is psychological, suspense or true to life story
Normal Chat ago, 4 answers -
What's something that people usually compliment you for?
Mr Morningstar ago, 6 answers -
How long u been here in this site?
What are you actually doing here?
laine ago, 19 answers -
What’s your favorite song lately?
Does your hair getting gray and you still can’t move on waiting people to love you?
What music would you choose to play every time you walk into a room?
Nothing Matter ago, 11 answers -
Do you regret losing someone important due to one mistake? Has that regret changed?
What's your philosophy in life?
Mr Morningstar ago, 14 answers -
Are we alone in this universe?
Axin wangsu ago, 16 answers -
Tell me your dark secret I will share my one
Karthik Sharma ago, 8 answers -
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve done when you were alone ?
What's the best thing u would do ?
Savita Pandey ago, 12 answers -
Have you ever been ghosted here?
R ago, 19 answers -
What's a random fun fact that never fails to amaze you?
Have you ever thought what will you do in a zombie apocalypse?
Dhruv Kumar ago, 9 answers -
If time travel was possible, would you go to the past or future ?
KQingueen ago, 10 answers -
What's the most important thing in a relationship
Masculine god ago, 16 answers -
Why would anyone love you?
Dhruv Kumar ago, 19 answers -
What impression do you give someone when your first meet them?
Anna1992 ago, 12 answers -
What keeps you alive?
Roxiii ago, 27 answers