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how to impress a girl here on chatblink any tips ?
How do you know if you're emotionally mature?
donkus ago, 12 answers -
What is your opinion about arranged marriage?
Marea ago, 11 answers -
Whats one topic you could talk about for hours?
umm im asian ago, 19 answers -
How hard it is to be sad inside and showing happy outside
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Red Valkyrie ago, 15 answers -
What is your favorite line from a movie?
If you wake up tomorrow and do not remember your name or your identity, what would you do?
ago, 9 answers -
How to moveon after a big heart break?
What is the first thing you see in a man?
ago, 3 answers -
What’s your go-to excuse for getting out of plans you don’t want to attend?
HyperNova ago, 10 answers -
If u could ask a question to God then what that would be??
stranger ago, 16 answers -
Had experience dating an older woman, how was it?
Marea ago, 14 answers -
How to start moving on, when you're so used to having him/her around you?
How many languages can you speak??
Axin wangsu ago, 18 answers -
How to forget someone you truly love?
Why do you feel like my few words with you matters ?
What's the best holiday or country you have ever visited.
ago, 14 answers -
How do you handle a feeling neglected or ignored in a relationship ?
Rose ago, 22 answers -
Do you have an online relationship?
ago, 12 answers -
What's the most awkward situation you've been in?
How was your dating experience so far
genzzz ago, 15 answers -
If you could be a thing, what would it be!
How do you know if s/he is interested?
ago, 6 answers