Why every kind of wasting energy helps to get tired to fall asleep except overthinking?

9 answers
  • Cause overthinking is similar to worry. And when we lay there and worry we can't sleep.
    3 months
  • From my (pox)point of experience there is two 1 mental disorders that can be contained by a person n the other one might be out of your hand n uknow
    3 months
  • In some point you’ll taught yourself to sleep under worries n scariness like sleeping outside being around homeless dogs n none there to watch ur back
    3 months
  • Except Allah swt
    3 months
  • I try to hear you.Me personally I like to relax if you're relaxed too.
    3 months
  • There's no Allah.We are here on earth to live gracefully without dependency.Free
    3 months
  • because the brain cannot get tired
    3 months
  • Disagree tiredness of the brain is the worst bcs u may lose it if you keep pushing it forward toxicity zone
    3 months
  • Because overthinking is the war of one's mind and morals of what is uncontrollable
    3 months

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