Why is being Batman so difficult?

19 answers
  • Finding a Robin and the cost of fuel for the batmobile
    2 months
  • Constantly having to keep your identification hidden.
    2 months
  • batman is a just illusion
    2 months
  • Because you need the funds, and yeah in this economy?
    2 months
  • Because Batman fake hard being fake 24/7
    2 months
  • Being Batman is difficult bcuz u've to become the bad guy to make things right and let good for nothing ppl shine ever after it's all ur hardwork.
    2 months
  • Its those late nights and people shining big spotlights everywhere with your symbol on them
    2 months
  • It’s not so difficult , I just eat my vitamins ;)
    2 months
  • Even Batman seems difficult ,he sworn to protect whoever GotHam 😅
    2 months
  • Defending all of Gotham alone, even the cops are against me
    2 months
  • Cause Batman is fictional and you are not
    2 months
  • He doesn't like blondes.
    2 months
  • we're not even batman💀💀plus it's jus a hero.
    2 months
  • Why be a batman while u can be the jokerr
    2 months
  • Sleeping hanging upside down is difficult
    2 months
  • He is exhausted mentally and physically
    2 months
  • It isn't hard being me
    1 month
  • Because he be the night, he is vengance, he is BATMAN
    3 weeks
  • Cuz in addition to that u have to be wealthy, you still gonna need a lot of bat connections to do that
    4 days

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