Jeje, 27

Libya Libya
Jeje, 27, Libya
  • Online
    10 months ago
  • Gender
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  • Age
  • Eyes
  • Height
    166 cm (5'05")
  • Looking for: Language Exchange Soulmate Friends A Relationship Romance
  • About me

    Be reasonable. Look at things from many different perspectives. Be open-minded. Don’t cling onto beliefs so much. Life is better lived learning. Be humble and kind. Be charitable. Be calm. Be happy with what you have. Grow in silence and appreciate things for what they are. Let go of old thoughts - welcome in new thoughts. Live honestly. Write when you can. Read when you can. You are on your own path. Make use of it, network, meet people. Meet many different kinds of people, learn from them. Be independent, strive to be a better and more charismatic person each day. Discipline, wit, talent, charisma, whatever you want to call it, have it