Ask Questions, Page 61
How do you know when she is the one??
Do you tend to make decisions based on logic or emotion?
What do you love most about yourself?
What your plan b In life? What is it and why
Do you think that being loyal is a good coz we all know everyone is cheating these days
Vicky Saini ago, 4 answers -
how are you feeling right now
LOM ago, 10 answers -
What do you tell yourself that helps you get through the day?
ago, 10 answers -
What is your favourite anime?
Glyza ago, 15 answers -
Real talk: have you ever felt real love?
Elentiya ago, 13 answers -
Which Thing Make you Happy?
We should not focus on mistakes, but rather support those we love....are you agree ?
How do you feel when your being compared to your siblings or familly?
What you usually do when you're bored?
Ae ago, 17 answers -
What is something you do every day that makes you happy without even realising it?
Nicole ago, 16 answers -
How do you overcome the curse of dimensionality even with less data?
Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?
Zoya ago, 17 answers -
Do you believe in the language of the eyes?
5 most attractive qualities in a person
I like winter what about you??
What's are your favourite things about sunsets and why?
JustmeM ago, 15 answers -
tell me your reason of breakup
What is your favorite anime?
Glyza ago, 11 answers -
do you have any plans for the weekend
Do you look at everyone in the eye?