Ask Questions, Page 64
You tried to breath under snow? Same feeling under water or worse?
What is the most important thing for u in a serious relationship?
Sue ago, 14 answers -
Do you prefer cuddling or kissing?
Anna1992 ago, 37 answers -
fav pasta sauce?
why do birds suddenly apir?
What are you afraid of?
Sue ago, 10 answers -
Are you thinking about him knowing he's not thinking about you?
Do we need to love someone to be happy
Is it bad that you don't reply to a person that you don't like?
Assteroid ago, 10 answers -
What is chatblink for you?
Keirrie ago, 11 answers -
What if we drop two slices of bread at two opposite ends of earth. Will it be a earth sandwich
Am I the only one who loses only one of their airpods all the time?
What is the first thing you examine when you are looking for new people?
What is the most beautiful place for u?
What make's you happy?
Anna1992 ago, 24 answers -
Who is the most cute girl on cb?
Mike ago, 15 answers -
Have you ever truly loved? And do u think true love exists? Do u believe in that?
Is it worth it? To live and survive?
Yen ago, 10 answers -
How much do we have to fail, to achieve our peace of mind?
Have you ever made a decision that changed ur life?
What if I tell you I have ugly teeth and some insecurities about myself do you still love me?
What you want to be next life if you have choice
Shriya ago, 10 answers -
How to deal with not being loved
Can u be completely open to someone u dont know much about or do u need time to confide?