How to be less weird?

10 answers
  • Be more normal? But who defines weird and who defines normal anyhow? Long as u aren't doing anything wrong just be yourself.
    2 months
  • Just be yourself
    2 months
  • Embrace your weirdness coz that makes you - YOU
    2 months
  • πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ
    2 months
  • If you were being yourself then this question wouldn't be here
    2 months
  • Impossible question, being a high-functioning neurodviergent person makes me weird to society to begin with. It is the unfortunate reality. :(
    2 months
  • Why would you want to be like everybody? Weird is not bad, embrace it and rock it, if someone doesn't like it, it's their problem
    2 months
  • Andrew Tate: just don't be weird
    2 months
  • It’s only weird if you let it be
    2 months
  • bro who cares if ur weird 2b honest own it iam weird nd tbh its kinda a blessing i rlly don kno y lmao
    1 month

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